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Agean BluePRINTS

Something About the Aegean Sea

cyanotype with botanicals and watercolor

ON A RECENT VISIT TO GREECE, we stayed for a few days on the enchanted island of Hydra. I arranged wildflower blossoms, with leaves & twigs, on the sun-sensitive paper I'd brought from my studio. The sunny windowsill of our hotel room cured the cyanotype prints. The result was a startling Aegean blue. My Colorado prints are cyan, denim, or sky blue. Once in a while, a deep crayon blue. This is different. It is truly the color of the Aegean Sea.


AT THE SACRED SITE OF THE ORACLE OF DELPHI, olive trees have long been part of the landscape. I collected a few fallen olives and leaves and made these small prints (about 2 ½ x 3 inches).

The colors are more subtle than the Hydra prints, yet still saturated with history and magic,

and ancient mythology.


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